Studied with his father, Victor Augusto Nepomuceno, a violinist and organist at the Fortaleza cathedral, and Euclides Fonseca, in...
Son of a clarinettist who performed with Carlos Gomes, he helped in the foundation of the Haydn Club and...
Alexandre Lunsqui was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil. After ten years based in New York City, he returned to...
Pianist, arranger, composer and player of several instruments, had his first contacts with music at the age of 5,...
One of the 25 children of a band conductor in Campinas — interior of São Paulo —, he begun...
Albuquerque studied at the Music Conservatory at the Institute of Fine Arts in Porto Alegre, and was trained in...
Brazilian composer and guitarist living in Paris, Aurélio Edler-Copes’s work is recognized for its intensity, dynamism and considerable...
Prominent Brazilian composer and conductor, several times awarded in and out of the country, with works also published in...